Relationship is a lot like a bunch of jumbled threads you ought to disentangle and make it right. And sometimes you break it by accident or something else. It can sometimes be so fragile and delicate. When broken it's hard to mend it. I thought i learned it much earlier before. Sadly i didn't.
It's not always a pleasant thing to hurt or being hurt. But i realized it so late. When the night falls, all you can do is just sleep. Now there's nothing i can do i guess in this. I don't know if i have a second chance or if that's already gone out of my hands.
It feels kind of like an amusement or an entertainment when we read in the newspapers about break-ups of celebrities, talking about -- those guys often use this word 'Splitsville', But i will tell you having a vacation in Splitsville is not a pleasant idea.
Today, i won't write long, i feel sleepy. Most of all, my heart is heavy and my mind is incoherent. But i felt like putting down some words on to my blog abode since i've been away for so long.
But never forget, life is to be living, not to be brooding. So whatever happens, good, bad, pleasant or unpleasant, bitter or sour, never forget, the best of your life is yet to come. So smile through the troughs and crests of life, you know life is like a wave.
So just as Bon Jovi sings, i would sing in chorus, 'When the world gets in my face, i say have a nice day'. And move ahead. Life has a lot to offer more.