There has been a lot of talk about the 'most anticipated movie of the year' Slumdog Millionaire quite lately in media. And somehow it aroused an utter curiosity inside me as other people do. And I couldn't wait till January 23, the release date of the movie. Somehow luckily, the other day I had a chance to watch the movie in full length. To be honest and contrary to my earlier expectations, it turned to be one of the best movies I've ever seen thus far.
The movie portrays much of slums, a murkier color of Mumbai. But it's not depicting as if Mumbai, one of the sought-after commercial centers of the world, in particular, is a dirty underbelly city. The slums in Mumbai are a reality. Even the developed nations do have slums. So nothing wrong with that. And the slumdwellers are not shown as 'people wallowing in sorrow', instead their undying hopes and daring efforts to better their lives and climb the ladder of society and success. That's what Jamal Malik did in the movie. After all, as Vikas Swraup, the writer of the book Slumdog on which the movie is based, says, 'it's about hope and survival'.
Anyway, it's a rags to riches story. It's touching to the core. I liked the movie and I hope you too will.
Related Links:
'Slumdog Millionaire' bags two more US film industry awards
'Slumdog' shows slums humming with biz ideas: Chidambaram
'Slumdog Millionaire' wins four Golden Globes
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