Sunday, June 26, 2011

8 Again! (Contd.)

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older." (Tom Stoppard)

As a kid, the world was a playing field. As a teen, the world was a stage. And now as a grown-up adult, the world is a work-field. 

As a kid, all we thought was the world was a playground and we were all players. And we came into this world just to play. Only just to play. Nothing else. Studies and schools were just a time pass. Our main purpose in this world was to play and have fun. Well, it may be true metaphorically also to a grown-up, but we never thought about it metaphorically, we always thought everything literally. We thought everything in simple terms. And far from any complications, simplicity was the way of life. But as a grown-up, we tend to complicate things. 

Those days, life was all about playing and having fun. Yes, we grown-ups do play and have fun too... now we play in the computer or mobile or playing machines. Everything is becoming digital now. But as a kid, life was full, alive and vibrant like the seas. 

Happiness curve is U-shaped

Happiness Curve (Courtesy: Daily Telegraph)
Studies have shown that life begins to recede in the late 20's and doesn't recover up until 65 and it hits rock bottom at 44. It also supports Victor Hugo's viewpoint of 40 as the old age of youth and 50 the youth of old age. All I want to say here is that childhood days are the happiest and funnest. And we tend to keep going back to those days again and again. Sadly, 40s are the grimmest. Even worse if you happen to get a bad wife. Socrates once said that if you got a bad wife, you would become a philosopher. But for good or worse, I don't know, I have become one already. Hmm, wife? Yet to find one.

In fact, a kid will never understand fully the mind of a grown-up. But sadly, a grown-up easily forgets that he was once a kid too, long time back. As a matter of fact, both belongs to the different worlds but within the same world. But above all, I still cherish those childhood days most -- in fact, mucher more than my teens days. Because I was living my life in full. But now as a grown-up, it's hard to live a life that way -- like the one I once used to as a kid. Now I am busy chasing after my dreams and money. Like chasing after the wind.

In many ways, being innocent and foolish like a kid is a great gain. In doing so, the life will become simpler free of tensions, free of strife, and free of heart failures. And the world will become a peaceful place to live. And there won't be any sleep disorders anymore. And we all will be able to sleep peacefully. Like a child again. 

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