Monday, January 19, 2009

Thank you Doctor!

Scared of Dentists? Yes, I myself do. I am scared of dentists. I don't know why but it's a fact. I know they are also human being just like us, doing their jobs. But then it's really hard to console myself by that very idea. Maybe my whole perception has been knowingly or unknowingly crept into my throughts through the years, by my past learning and experiences. I still remember a poem I learned in my 9th standard, This Is Going To Hurt Just A Little Bit by OGDEN NASH
The picture labelled by Odgen Nash is still vivid and clear. I often remember this poem whenever I visit a dentist. Even if I don't want to visit a dentist, at times I have to. If I don't go to a dentist, it's still going to be painful because of the teeth decay and all. If I visit a dentist, it's also going to be painful, it's obvious. But I chose the latter this time.

I remember the words of Robin Sharma, the author of the Bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari "The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret." I should have been taking more care of my teeth during my childhood. Now I regret for that. Anyway, as the saying goes, it's better late than never.

So on one Sunday, in the middle of November, last year, I set out to search dental clinics all day. Unfortunately that day all of the dental clinics were closed. (I stay in Kharghar) I searched till Jogeshwari (East) where my friends stay. I found a Dental Care Clinic at last near the station and it was also closed because it was Sunday. I thought maybe I'd have to choose this one as it will be convenient for commuting. Usually I never completed the number of sittings required of me by any dentists in the past as it was so painful. I had to quit in the middle. But this time, I made up my mind not to quit but continue to the finish.

On Monday, the next day, I visited the clinic near the station. The dentist was a young attractive beautiful lady. When I saw her, I wondered where in the world she would be doing dentistry when she can be airhostess or be doing modelling or whatever. Anyway I am not the judge. And I think she is in the right profession. It went along well. Though sometimes it was painful... yeah it's inevitable if you visit a dentist. She was considerate and gentle. And yet she is professional in her doing. And now I am half-through all the required sittings. Hopefully I may be able to go to the finish. I feel better now, day by day. And I thank her. But I feel sorry that I didn't thank her enough. But then, I say to you doctor, once again a Big Thank you to you, Doctor! I don't know your name maybe because I never asked you or maybe because you never told me yours. But then thank you very much again.

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